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Friday, May 27th 2011, 3:20pm

Trackmania Server wieder online nehmen?


keine Ahnung wie es euch geht, aber könnt mir mal wieder vorstellen ein paar Runden auf den Trackmania Tracks mit euch zu fahren. Leider habe ich damals den Server offline genommen, da nach der Zeit das Interesse stark nach unten ging.
Was denkt Ihr?


Friday, May 27th 2011, 9:05pm

7 Gerne, wär wieder dabei


"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."

Posts: 2,917

Location: Seehausen am Staffelsee

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Friday, May 27th 2011, 11:16pm

wär sicher auch mal dabei...
live is live, nana nanana :D


Original von -=)GWC(RaMsEs
von 50k könnte ich in münchen nicht mehr leben.

Posts: 4,097

Location: Hersbruck Deutschland

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Saturday, May 28th 2011, 11:27am

Wäre auch dabei.


Wednesday, June 1st 2011, 10:34am

Hab mich dazu entschlossen, den Server wieder zu starten und diesen dann auch zu "pflegen"

Posts: 2,917

Location: Seehausen am Staffelsee

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Sunday, June 5th 2011, 8:15pm

bin grad online
live is live, nana nanana :D


Original von -=)GWC(RaMsEs
von 50k könnte ich in münchen nicht mehr leben.


Thursday, June 9th 2011, 6:05pm

Wieviele Maps hast du drin eig? Kommt man ja garnicht hinterher^^


"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."


Friday, June 10th 2011, 4:46pm

sind schon n paar ;) kann auch welche rausnehmen


Thursday, June 30th 2011, 3:12pm

Trackmania Server wieder online nehmen :\


"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."


Tuesday, July 26th 2011, 8:16pm

Der Server spinnt immernoch ~~


"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."


Friday, July 29th 2011, 1:35pm

bringt ja nix wenn nur einer drauf rumfährt, oder??? =(


Friday, July 29th 2011, 2:11pm



"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."


Thursday, March 1st 2012, 10:28am

hätte mal wieder bock :D

Server ONLINE nehmen?
Wer is dabei?


Thursday, March 1st 2012, 6:50pm

Immer :O


"I played a game vs edie where he asked me for save and eixt cause he "deleted tc". SO i did save. I checked rec and saw he lost 2 vils on boars (and he lost his scout). He didnt even bother to "delete his tc to at least make a better lie."

Posts: 4,097

Location: Hersbruck Deutschland

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Monday, March 5th 2012, 12:36pm



Monday, August 19th 2013, 4:42pm

wie siehts aus? geht da noch was?