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By Kruemelmonster (Jun 9th 2004, 12:34am)

65 95,196

By Napoleon

(Oct 24th 2010, 9:48pm)

By _JoD_Dragon (May 16th 2005, 8:10pm)

5 25,365

By -=)GWC(RaMsEs

(Dec 11th 2008, 9:11am)

By hl_marsallo (Sep 21st 2003, 1:04pm)

7 23,389

By The_Little

(Jul 20th 2004, 10:12pm)


By Aragorn (Dec 16th 2019, 11:22am)

7 45,801

By disaster

(Jul 11th 2022, 8:25am)

By Attila (Apr 5th 2017, 3:38pm)

34 39,772

By SIM_Hexe_S

(Sep 2nd 2017, 11:59pm)

By GWC_duke2d (Nov 6th 2015, 4:27pm)

62 32,098

By Attila

(Jun 29th 2016, 6:14pm)

By Attila (Oct 10th 2016, 5:09pm)

49 30,935

By Attila

(Dec 11th 2016, 12:33am)

By jens (Jul 2nd 2014, 5:02pm)

68 29,130

By jens

(Aug 26th 2014, 3:58pm)

By DM_Shan__ (Feb 7th 2018, 3:15pm)

18 27,126

By SenF_Woerni

(Apr 15th 2018, 1:45am)

By _EA_Rod (Jul 21st 2011, 12:11pm)

9 26,741

By _EA_Rod

(Jul 23rd 2011, 11:37pm)

By Attila (Dec 6th 2017, 1:50pm)

15 21,649

By Revolt

(Aug 21st 2018, 9:31am)

By _JoD_Dragon (Aug 11th 2003, 8:23pm)

141 21,578

By andre04488

(Dec 22nd 2003, 12:17am)

By _Wanderer_Life (Aug 26th 2002, 10:09pm)

55 19,439

By Illuminat

(Mar 11th 2006, 2:27pm)

By Yezariael (Aug 7th 2007, 3:39pm)

141 19,201

By Fips

(Sep 26th 2007, 8:47pm)

By Yezariael (Dec 25th 2011, 2:23pm)

51 17,227

By kOa_Master

(Jan 10th 2012, 12:17pm)

By disaster (May 15th 2017, 5:54pm)

5 16,763

By disaster

(May 18th 2017, 8:53am)

By Imp_Akhorahil (Jan 2nd 2013, 2:22pm)

34 16,251

By disaster

(Jan 7th 2013, 7:30pm)

By LiVe4_Melancholy (May 11th 2005, 8:01pm)

30 15,701

By -Lox-

(May 14th 2005, 3:41am)

By Attila (Nov 18th 2016, 11:47pm)

19 15,396

By GWC_duke2d

(Jan 13th 2017, 7:03pm)

By Invader (Aug 6th 2014, 4:18am)

35 15,295

By GWC_duke2d

(Oct 2nd 2014, 9:46pm)



6,580 threads - 12,047 posts (2.42 posts per day)